More than 70% of Plan Sponsors Seek Change in the PBM Industry
Traditional PBMs are driving up drug costs through misaligned incentives and outdated business models.
Inflexible Business Models: Large PBMs prioritize profits over clients, locking themselves into practices that fail to adapt.
Misaligned Manufacturer Incentives: Manufacturers raise list prices and offer larger rebates, encouraging PBMs to favor high-cost branded drugs.
32% Prescription Waste: Auto-refills at PBM-owned mail and specialty pharmacies contribute significantly to waste.
Lack of Clarity: Traditional PBMs withhold detailed rebate data from plan sponsors.
Reduced Control for Plan Sponsors: Employers have less influence over benefit design, pharmacy networks, and formularies than they should.
Smarter Solutions for Bigger Drug Cost Savings
LucyRx is a different kind of PBM—independent and ready to design a pharmacy benefit plan, network, and formulary tailored to your needs.
Flexible Formulary Design: Access a marketplace of multiple rebate solutions for more control.
Independence Matters: We don’t own pharmacies—and never will.
A Trusted Network: Partnering with best-in-class independent pharmacies to deliver what members need, when they need it.
Actionable Insights: Real-time drug-level rebate data puts decision-making power in your hands
We’re here to put control back where it belongs—your hands. With advanced analytics, we create client-specific plans that maximize savings and improve outcomes.
Better Outcomes with Smarter Solutions